Home Genital Wart

Genital Wart

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common cause of genital warts (verruca) among sexually transmitted diseases. It is more common in individuals with multiple partners and homosexuals who have sexual intercourse at an early age. Disease after oral, anal or vaginal contact with cauliflower or meat-like stem, polypoid skin color, pink or brown scattered, puffy or flat skin lesions in the ano-genital areas, especially in the penis, vagina, groin, hip, rectal and anal area. It is a venereal contagious viral disease caused. The incidence of HPV has also increased in the presence of other sexually transmitted infections, so hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes virus (genital herpes), syphilis (syphilis) and HIV infections must be screened with necessary blood tests.

Cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen), which can be applied safely even during pregnancy in the treatment of genital warts,Electrocautery, surgical treatments in large lesions and topical treatments such as TCA 70%, podophyllin, imiquimod are used.